I am an illustrator based in Baildon, West Yorkshire. I love illustrations that absorb the viewer and provide something new every time they are looked at. Art should be a shared experience, available and accessible to everyone.
With this as my mission statement, I try and make high quality, unpretentious products, available at an affordable price.
Recently I have produced commercial illustrations for companies such as the National Media Museum, NHS England, the Science Museum, TUI/Thomson Cruises, the RSPB and the V & A.
If you feel like giving your company a unique visual identity, if you have a special gift in mind or even if you want to treat yourself, I work to commission so feel free to contact me!
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Contact Info
Sven Shaw is freelance illustrator who specialises in maps, cityscapes and local interest illustrations. If you have a question or you’d like to talk about a commission, feel free to contact me: